If sometimes the simple fact of seeing something blurry throws us off balance, imagine not seeing anything at all? What if all you could distinguish was a flicker of fleeting light?
Since the age of 32, Manuel Augusto Domingues has been in the shadow of his very own eyes, relying on touch and sound to get by. His wife became his sight, his support, his means of survival. Sadly, she became ill and passed away in 2011, leaving him frail, alone, and without guidance. After a long period of sorrow and adaptation, he’s now concentrated in every step forward, hopeful for the future. Reminiscing on stories that never get old as the days go by, his sister and neighbour, who is also blind, is his company.
Sitting, waiting; for the long hours to turn into days, the weeks to months, the years to…
I wanted to publish this set to pay homage to the great man that is my grandfather, who raised me and taught me so much, despite all the hardships he has endured. Having turned 81 in February 2013, I am hopeful that he will continue to do so for many years.