Project 365 Day 173: All That Air
A group of kids appropriate a bench and a side street in Jonction to practice some jumps on their skateboard.
A group of kids appropriate a bench and a side street in Jonction to practice some jumps on their skateboard.
A man and woman sit opposite of each other on a bench in Nyon.
The United Nations Office of Geneva has quite a few peacocks that “guard” the grounds. So it isn’t uncommon to come across one on a daily basis. This peacock must have been attracted to my great looks, as she spreads her wings in an act of courtship. Even the security officer stops to take a snapshot.
Spotted a man standing in front of a car as if he’s a torero.
Walked through the park from a shoot this evening and came across a group of people converging under the sunset for an outdoor mass – how inspiring.
The mountains converge over the lake in Cressin-Rochefort.
On the final stretch in direction to Geneva, our last stop at Montélimar, and enjoying every last kilometer.
After encountering snow leaving Andorra and -1º weather, it was lucky to come across this thermal bath town and enjoy the baths at the end of the afternoon. The evening ended with a 2€ gain from the casino.
A lady in Andorra walks the main shopping street with a cane.
Walking through the center of Cadaqués, I spotted this man leaving his traditional house on the hill.