The sun sets over Boom Land on the first day. Right next to the Dance Temple is a statue that is interpreted every edition by a different artist. This year the Goddess was done in recycled wood and the insides were luscious green plants. It is called Emergence and was made by the talented Daniel Popper.
Motorized vehicles are generally not allowed in Boom Land unless it's a service vehicle, but a couple of these mini motorcycles can be spotted once in a while.
At Boom, you can be anyone you want to be as long as you're yourself.
10 years ago the first boomers arrived in Boom Land by bike from Belgium, and ever since, Boom by Bike has been a bike-friendly festival. "All two-wheeled 'spaceships' powered by good vibrations are welcome". The Boom Bike Village and parks have bike parts and technicians to help you fix or tune up your bike for free using simple and ecological techniques. And not to forget, there are also bike decorating workshops!
Sometimes you experience the most by just staying still in one of the many lounge tents with a fruit smoothie. I've met such beautiful people and had such wonderful conversations in this exact spot.
Nothing like the wind through your hair as you swing back and forth and watch the rays of sunshine through the trees as the night falls over a deep conversation with your meaningful ones.
Cheers! The sole wine bar on the festival grounds is always a good place to strike up a conversation.
Spin spin twist spin. One of the many workshops at Boom Land offers hula hoop introductory lessons to further connect with your inner ballerina.
Move, jump, dance like nobody's watching, because those who are watching won't judge.
Put your hands up in the air, wave 'em around like you just don't care!
Walk on water.. everything's possible at Boom!
Close your eyes, follow your dreams, let your mind wander and your spirit fly high.
Dance, dance, dance. Words can never make up for what you do.
You set me free.