Project 365 Day 42: Docked
Despite the beautiful weather we had this week, this touch of spring wasn’t enough to undock the river cruise boat from Halles de l’Île.

Project 365 Day 41: #JeSuisCharlie March Geneva
Today was the march/vigil in Geneva for Charlie Hebdo, #JeSuisCharlie. So, I have selected a daily photo, but I have also added the whole set from this march, which is happening pretty much all around the world this weekend. Let us not forget that the press needs to remain uncensored and free to write the truth and not an altered version of that truth. Sometimes satire goes too far, but it’s just that, satire. It is meant to bring forth sensitive issues with all the heavy baggage. La marche en soutien a #JeSuisCharlie a Genève, Suisse.

Project 365 Day 40: Cheese and Broccoli Frittata
In the coming weeks I’ll be taking photos of a few recipes for the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Today’s post is the first dish of the assignment, a bone-healthy and calcium-rich Gruyère Cheese and Broccoli Frittata.

Project 365 Day 39: Je Suis Charlie
This sad sad news overcomes us with sadness. #jesuischarlie

Project 365 Day 38: Ascending, Descending
As I sit at the Nyon castle lookout watching a family taking pictures with the beautiful Lake Geneva as a backdrop, I snap this shot which looks like a stairway into the blue sky.

Project 365 Day 37: Washed Out
What a beautifully eerie and mystical morning I woke up to today!

Project 365 Day 36: Altered Perception
Today’s scene was at Gare Cornavin in Geneva. While I captured quite a few shots I liked, I decided to share this one. At first sight, you might only see an out of focus image. But look closely, and you’ll see that I’ve shifted the subject and omitted the movement. Look closely and you’ll see that what’s in focus are the bus and tram electrical cables. Take a step back and you might notice the man on the bike and the woman walking completely respect the rule of thirds.

Project 365 Day 35: Airport Symmetry
In transit once again, at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, headed back to Geneva.

Project 365 Day 34: Snow Castle
I absolutely love snow, so the excitement to come back for Christmas after 7 years was quite intense. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a white Christmas, but mother nature decided to treat me with a white goodbye, and a 3 hour delay! I hope you enjoy this shot, one of my favourite spots in Hamilton.