Project 365 Day 74: Don’t Forget to Flush

In the summer of 2014 I started a series called Don’t Forget to Flush, a documentary of the art in Genevan toilets. Tonight, I add another bar’s toilet which warrants a Don’t Forget to Flush mention in Geneva, L’Éléphant Dans la Canette.

Project 365 Day 71: Fly Away

I have noticed that lately, every day at sunset, this massive flock of birds accumulates in front of my office on a construction crane. As I leave around 6, they always seem to be flying around in the sky. Today, like many days, I looked up.

Project 365 Day 70: Camden Lock Vintage

One of my favourite things about London is the originality and confidence of people’s fashion. They aren’t scared to express themselves, and this is best seen at the market scene, especially the trendy markets like Camden and Brick Lane where vintage stores are in abundance.

Project 365 Day 67: Drag Me Home

Was in Zurich today for an assignment, and came across the cutest kid who was lucky enough to have his mom wheel him up the hill on a suitcase. Looks relaxing!