Project 365 Day 56: Hood Rats
A self-portrait. Hanging out on the Sainte-Catherine steps in Brussels drinking Delirium, being a menace to society. Drinking Delirium on the sacred steps!
A self-portrait. Hanging out on the Sainte-Catherine steps in Brussels drinking Delirium, being a menace to society. Drinking Delirium on the sacred steps!
Brussels, you could not be more beautiful, bringing friends together under the clear skies.
Love going to the American Market in Geneva or Nyon to get that little taste of home. These are two of my favourites: root beer and pop tarts!
Tonight was one of those nights that started off slowly, but soon turned into a one of a kind night for a photographer. So I chose a main photo, but offer you two extra. Here is the band from Burkina Faso, that played tonight at L’Écurie. Enjoy!
An app I designed was released today on Apple iOS, on Android and as a web app. Check it out!
After the storm, comes the calm.
The snow has returned to Geneva, and one of the peculiarities in Europe is using an umbrella to shelter yourself from the snow.
The best thing about living in Geneva is that when it snows in the mountains, it rains in the city.
When a photographer gets sick and he’s doing a 365 Project, he must find a creative way to continue. Trying to stay warm, eating my chicken noodle soup and drink lots of mommy’s secret flu-cure tea recipe, I’m hanging out at home trying to beat this thing!
The emergency lane.