Project 365 Day 56: Hood Rats

A self-portrait. Hanging out on the Sainte-Catherine steps in Brussels drinking Delirium, being a menace to society. Drinking Delirium on the sacred steps!

Project 365 Day 53: Burkina Faso

Tonight was one of those nights that started off slowly, but soon turned into a one of a kind night for a photographer. So I chose a main photo, but offer you two extra. Here is the band from Burkina Faso, that played tonight at L’Écurie. Enjoy!

Project 365 Day 47: Beating the Flu

When a photographer gets sick and he’s doing a 365 Project, he must find a creative way to continue. Trying to stay warm, eating my chicken noodle soup and drink lots of mommy’s secret flu-cure tea recipe, I’m hanging out at home trying to beat this thing!