Project 365 Day 182: Roses are Red

This weekend, Place des Jacobins in Lyon was transformed, amongst others, into a sanctuary of over 6,000 fresh roses. Within 100m of the square, the aroma of roses could be smelt in the air.

Project 365 Day 149: Dying Trades

One of the dying trades in my hometown area of Aveiro and Coimbra is agriculture. Many families in the region survived with producing on their inherited lands, for consumption and for sale.

Project 365 Day 110: Burn Baby Burn

On the eve of spring’s arrival, a few neighbourhoods around Geneva burn Old Man Winter to celebrate the end of the cold season, much like what happens at Las Fallas in Valencia, Spain.

Project 365 Day 53: Burkina Faso

Tonight was one of those nights that started off slowly, but soon turned into a one of a kind night for a photographer. So I chose a main photo, but offer you two extra. Here is the band from Burkina Faso, that played tonight at L’Écurie. Enjoy!

Project 365 Day 41: #JeSuisCharlie March Geneva

Today was the march/vigil in Geneva for Charlie Hebdo, #JeSuisCharlie. So, I have selected a daily photo, but I have also added the whole set from this march, which is happening pretty much all around the world this weekend. Let us not forget that the press needs to remain uncensored and free to write the truth and not an altered version of that truth. Sometimes satire goes too far, but it’s just that, satire. It is meant to bring forth sensitive issues with all the heavy baggage. La marche en soutien a #JeSuisCharlie a Genève, Suisse.